Getting started


This section is subject to changes made by SimFin and may not be up-to-date.

To use the API you need a SimFin API key.

To authenticate with you create a client responsible for making the requests by writing:

import SAW

client = SAW.Client("<your API key>")

Rate limit

For free accounts the rate is limited to 2000 api calls per day, resetting at 00:00 GMT, while for SimFin+ account you have unlimited calls (read more). Rate limiting is by standard made by SAW, but specifying that it is a SimFin+ account by writing:

client = SAW.Client("<your API key>", True)


The rate limiting is not carried over between sessions. You can check how many calls you have used and how long it is until the calls are reseted here. You can also get the amount of calls left by the SAW rate limiter by writing client.get_rate_limit().

Basic usage

Firstly, the wrapper needs to be imported:

import saw

The wrapper is built around a Client which can be initialized by writing:

client = SAW.Client("<your API key")

To get a company by its ticker you can write:

company = client.get_company_by_ticker("AAPL")

This returns a Company which can be used to get more information about that company:

>> { "ticker": "AAPL", "sectorCode": 101001, "simId": 111052, "fyearEnd": 9, "name": "Apple Inc", "sectorName": "Computer Hardware", "employees": 120301 }